iOS setup on MacOS

Setup on macOS

Install brew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install rust with default option:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# Source binaries
echo 'source $HOME/.cargo/env' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
# Or for bash
echo 'source $HOME/.cargo/env' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install iOS targets:

# 64-bit targets (real device & simulator):
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios aarch64-apple-ios-sim
# 32-bit targets (you probably don't need these & nightly only):
rustup target add armv7-apple-ios armv7s-apple-ios i386-apple-ios

Install ios-deploy for installing your app on iPhone:

brew install ios-deploy

Install Xcode from App Store.

Xcode installation

Install the necessary Xcode tools using Xcode:

  1. Start Xcode.
  2. Choose Preferences from the Xcode menu.
  3. In the Locations panel, find the Command Line Tools field.
  4. Click on the Command Line Tools and select Xcode version (you are asked for your Apple Developer login during the install process).

Login with Free Apple Developer/Apple Developer Program account:

  1. Start Xcode.
  2. Choose Preferences from the Xcode menu.
  3. In the Accounts panel, click the + sign (you are asked for your Apple Developer login during the install process).
  4. Click on Apple ID added account and find your name with (Personal team) postfix.
  5. Open Manage Certificates then click + and Apple Development.
  6. Close by clicking Done and click on Download Manual Profiles. iOS setup on MacOS

Xcode Sign in

Install crossbundle:

cargo install --git= crossbundle

Build Apple app

Now everything is ready to build your application.

To simplify this example we will create a new cargo project by this command:

crossbundle new game --template bevy
cd game/

Now run the build command:

crossbundle build ios --target=x86_64-apple-ios

And if you want to run on the simulator:

crossbundle run ios --target=x86_64-apple-ios

Run your app on a real device

To run your application on a real device you will need to open Xcode and create a new project with the same bundle_identifier as your app. Then you will find a mobileprovision file in the ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles folder (e.x: aec73e2f-c2f9-4e3b-9393-be19cc52fea3.mobileprovision).

With command security find-identity -p codesigning -v - you will get a similar result:

$ security find-identity -p codesigning -v
  1) AF96DABFC5DEE81E339ED8755DA8D1E48A87CBFE "Apple Development: <your-email> (TRGW43YM8W)"
     1 valid identities found

The AF96DABFC5DEE81E339ED8755DA8D1E48A87CBFE value is our sign Identity. Save it for later use.

Copy your code (in our case TRGW43YM8W) and place it in another command to get Team ID:

$ security find-certificate -c SRGWJ3YM8W -p | openssl x509 -subject
subject= /UID=A9C7ZD8H7F/CN=Apple Development: <your-email> (TRGW43YM8W)/OU=AS9UV719T7/O=<your name>/C=US

Next to OU - you will find Team ID. (in our case AS9UV719T7).

Now we are good to install our app on a real device. To run/build app for a real device you will need similar to this command to be run in your cargo project:

crossbundle run ios --release --device --profile-name=aec73e2f-c2f9-4e3b-9393-be19cc52fea3.mobileprovision --team-identifier=AS9UV719T7 --identity=AF96DABFC5DEE81E339ED8755DA8D1E48A87CBFE

Now replace test data (aec73e2f-c2f9-4e3b-9393-be19cc52fea3.mobileprovision, AS9UV719T7, AF96DABFC5DEE81E339ED8755DA8D1E48A87CBFE) - with your own and run command. If everything worked well - you will see new app on your device.