Crossbow Android Plugins

To write new Crossbow Android plugin - we recommend to clone this repository and use crossbow-admob as template for your plugin.

To do so, run these commands:

git clone
cp -r crossbow/plugins/admob-android ./my-awesome-plugin
cd ./my-awesome-plugin

In Rust project you will need to update Cargo.toml and code in src/ folder.

Now in Android gradle project you will able to write your own Android plugin in Java or Kotlin!


To build Android Gradle plugin you need to run the following command:

gradle build

Testing locally

To import your plugin into your game with Crossbow you can add following in Cargo.toml:

include = ":my-awesome-plugin"
project_dir = "../my-awesome-plugin/android"

It will try to find your plugin by the specified path relative to your Cargo.toml.

Publishing to Github Maven repository

To publish your plugin to Github Maven repository you need to get Personal Access Token from your Github account and update information in your my-awesome-plugin/android/publish.gradle file.

To read more about Github Maven repository visit Publishing Github Maven packages.

As you setup everything - you can run the following command to publish your plugin to Maven repository:

USERNAME=<NAME> TOKEN=<TOKEN> gradle publish

To publish your plugin to - you can see this official article.

Using Published plugin

After successfully publishing your plugin you can use it in your game. To do so you will want to import it in Cargo.toml:

my_awesome_plugin = "0.1.0"

plugins_remote = ["com.crossbow.awesome:my_awesome_plugin:0.1.0"]

That's it, now you can use your plugin in your game!