Crossbow permissions

To request permissions with Crossbow you will need to add crossbow dependency to your Cargo.toml file. And add permissions to AndroidManifest.xml or Info.plist:

# This one:
permissions = ["camera", "microphone", "photos", "storage-read"]

# Will make the same as this one:
name = "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
name = "android.permission.CAMERA"
name = "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"

NSCameraUsageDescription = "This app needs access to your phone's camera."
NSMicrophoneUsageDescription = "This app needs access to your phone's microphone."
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription = "This app needs access to your phone's photo library."

Then invoke request_async function. This function checks the permission status in the application and will request permission if it's not granted yet:

fn main() {
use crossbow::Permission;
let res = Permission::Camera.request_async().await?;
match res {
    Permission::Unknown => println!("Permission is in an unknown state"),
    Permission::Denied => println!("Denied by user"),
    Permission::Disabled => println!("Feature is disabled on device."),
    Permission::Granted => println!("Granted by user."),
    Permission::Restricted => println!("Restricted (only iOS)."),

Also, remember to set permissions in through Cargo.toml or Info.plist/AndroidManifest.xml files. List of required permissions for Cross-Platform Permission you can find in Permission enum.

See usage example.

Also, it's possible to request more permissions with this API:

#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
let res = request_permission(&AndroidPermission::ReadCalendar).await?;

// or this for iOS:

#[cfg(target_os = "ios")]
let res = request_permission(&IosPermission::CaptureDevice(MediaType::Audio)).await;

Maybe useful

Useful commands to debug permission status in Android application using adb:

adb shell pm reset-permissions
adb shell pm list permission-groups
adb shell pm list permissions

adb shell pm grant <app package> <permission name>
adb shell pm revoke <app package> <permission name>